Rosborough, A (Allan), Royal Artillery, 66 Medium Regt.

Rosborough, A (Allan)


Gunner Allan Rosborough was the son of James and Catherine Rosborough, Londonderry; husband of Florence Rosborough, of 9, Bentley Street, Waterside, Londonderry. He served with the Royal Artillery, 66th Medium Regiment.

Allan died in Bristol, Gloucestershire, England after being invalided home from North Africa. Reasons unknown.

The Royal Artillery, 66th Medium Regiment was formed from the 57th Territorial in Edinburgh. They trained in southern England and embarked for Egypt on the 30th of January 1943. It took 2 months to reach their destination as they had to sail via South Africa. When they arrived in Egypt they began training for the landings in Sicily.

Allan was laid to rest on the 30th of June 1943 from his home and with full military honours.

Date of Death: 27/06/1943 (Aged 29)

Service: Gunner, Royal Artillery, 66 Medium Regt.

Burial Location: Glendermott Church of Ireland Churchyard and New Cemetery, Sec. D. Old Ground.

Service Number: 821014

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