Saunders, D (Daniel)

Saunders, D (Daniel)


Private Daniel Saunders was the son of Daniel and Jane Saunders, of 68, St. Columb’s Wells, Londonderry.

Daniel arrived in France to join the 2nd Battalion, Cameronians (Scottish Rifles), on the 17th of March 1915. On that very day, his battalion reported 125 dead, 323 injured and 21 missing at the Battle of Neuve Chapelle[1] which took place between the 10th and 13th of that month.

On the 22nd a draft of 502 men arrived. Private Saunders was more than likely among this group. By the 28th they were back in the trenches, relieving the 2nd Devon’s at Bois-Grenier.[2] Only 5 men were killed and 4 wounded by the end of the month.

April was a quiet month with light casualties and loads of time spent in billets with the commanding officer having little to report.

Although May started well another assault on German lines was planned for the 9th.

After an initial bombardment, the troops left their trenches at Cellar Farm. Most casualties happened when the men were caught in the open, fortunately though, they were light.[3] The rest of the month would continue to be quiet. Casualties remained low whilst they were in the trenches and the men were allowed plenty of rest in their billets. Between the 21st and 27th the men were in the trenches again. This is the period in which Daniel Saunders was wounded.[4]

June continued in the same vein, and on the day, Daniel Saunders passed away on the 23rd, June 1915 only one man from his battalion was wounded.

It is unknown what happened to Private Daniel Saunders. He did die from wounds received in the front line just before the 26th of May. He passed away at East Ham Military Hospital, England. He was laid to rest Wednesday 30th June 2015.

Daniel was awarded the 1914/15 Star, the British War and Victory Medals.

Date of Death: 23/06/1915 (Aged 23)

Service: Private: Cameronians (Scottish Rifles), 2nd Battalion.

Service Number: 12855

Burial Location: Londonderry (or Derry), City Cemetery, M. D. 45.

[1] Battle of Neuve Chapelle, over a 3-day period, more than 17,000 casualties were reported.

[2] Bois-Grenier is a region in northern France close to the Belgium border, around 8 miles northeast of Neuve Chapelle.

[3] Casualties: 29 killed, 101 wounded and 22 missing, all ranks

[4] Casualties were as follows: 21st May, 1 man wounded. 22nd May, 2 men wounded, 23rd May, 1 man wounded, 24th May 5 men wounded, 25th May 1 man wounded and 1 killed.

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