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Serjeant John Small was from the Beechwood Avenue, Londonderry, and was the son of Edward Small, brother of Edward and William Small. He died, of acute tonsillitis, at Seaforth hospital, Liverpool.

John was serving for about 1 year with the 3rd Battalion, South Lancashire Regiment. This was a depot and training unit that was based in England throughout the war.

He had a full military funeral and was laid to rest on the 23rd of December 1915. There was a large turnout. He was not eligible for any medals as he never left the UK or entered a theatre of war.

Date of Death: 21/12/1915

Service: Serjeant, South Lancashire Regiment, 3rd Battalion.

Service Number: 1866

Burial Location: Londonderry (or Derry), City Cemetery, MA. 385B.

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