Watson, R (Robert)

Withey, C H (Charles Henry), Watson, R (Robert), Shaw, G (George), Powney, T E J (Thomas Edward John), Pawley, J T (John Thomas), Lockwood, H (Henry)
Deck Hand Robert Watson is listed as having died from drowning. He was stepping onto his ship from the quay when he slipped and fell into the river. He served on H.M.T. Strathlui.[1] His next of kin is listed as his sister, Mary Ann, 3 Boyndie, St Banff, Scotland.
Robert was awarded the 1914/15 Star, the British War and Victory Medals.
Date of Death: 24/09/1916 (Aged 44)
Service: Deck Hand, Royal Naval Reserve, H.M. Trawler Strathlui.
Service Number: 6311/DA
Burial Location: Londonderry (or Derry), City Cemetery, G. Mil. 1.
[1] HMT Strathlui was a hired trawler which was used during the Great War as a minesweeper.