Canning, J J (John, James)

Canning, J J (John, James)
Private John Canning was the son of Samuel and Annie Canning; husband of Catherine Canning, of 49, Walkers Place, Londonderry. Born in Londonderry.
John served with the Royal Irish Regiment, 6th Battalion and was found dead in the gentlemen’s waiting room of Portadown’s railway station, blood oozing from his nose. He was on his way home.
A later examination found almost a pint of spirits in his stomach. The death was put down to alcohol poisoning possibly caused by a certain class of locals buying him drinks to celebrate the fact that he was a soldier and an Irish volunteer.
The Royal Irish Regiment, 6th Battalion had only just formed at Clonmel, County Tipperary in Ireland on the 6th of September 1914. They would not serve in France until December 1915.
John was awarded no medals as he never served abroad.
Date of Death: 31/12/1914 (Age 33)
Service: Private, Royal Irish Regiment, 6th Battalion.
Service Number: 2301
Burial Location: Londonderry (or Derry), City Cemetery, M.D. 578.