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Fusilier Patrick Doherty was not serving when he died in the Waterside’s General Hospital after having complications from an ulcer. He was living at the time at 69 Nelson Street, Londonderry and was working as a labourer.

It is unknown where and when he served due to his name being quite common in the area. His age means he could have served in either of the world wars.

The Royal Fusiliers (City of London Regiment) was his final regiment and they had served in Africa, the Middle East, Macedonia, Gallipoli and the Russian Civil War during the Great War and Syria and Palestine during the Second World War. Patrick Doherty may or may have not served in these areas.

No further information available at present.

Date of Death: 19/07/1947 (Aged 54)

Service: Fusilier, Royal Fusiliers (City of London Regiment)

Service Number: 6467571

Burial Location: Londonderry (or Derry), City Cemetery, Sec. N. Class B. Grave 434.

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