Jarvis, W J (William John)

No photo at present
Driver William Jarvis was the son of William C. Jarvis and the late Mary Jarvis of 4, Fountain Place, of Londonderry; husband of Mary Jane Jarvis, of 74, Fountain street, Londonderry.
William joined the army on the 4th of September 1939 and was a driver for the R.A.S.C.[1] He passed away in a Military hospital in England and his funeral took place from his father’s house at 4 Fountain Place, Londonderry on the 13th of September 1939 at 2:30 in the afternoon.
It is presently unknown what happened to William John Jarvis, but it does state “died on active service”. His two other brothers had served in the First World war.
No further information.
Date of Death: 08/11/1941 (Aged 40)
Service: Driver, Royal Army Service Corps
Service Number: ‘T/91333’
Burial Location: Londonderry (or Derry), City Cemetery, Sec. S. Class B. Grave 822A.
[1] RASC is the Royal Army Service Corps