Scully, P J (Patrick J)

Scully, P J (Patrick J)
Private Patrick Scully is listed as having died from a sudden heart attack in Ebrington Barracks, Londonderry. He was from 76 Patrick Row, Dublin.
Patrick served with the 3rd Reserve Battalion, Royal Irish Fusiliers who were based in Buncrana, Donegal during April 1915. They were due to move to Clonmany in November 1916.
He was not eligible for any medals as he never left the UK or entered a theatre of war. Unfortunately, no further information can be found at present.
Date of Death: 01/08/1916 (Aged 30)
Service: Private, Royal Irish Fusiliers, 3rd Battalion.
Service Number: 20527
Burial Location: Londonderry (or Derry), City Cemetery, L. Mil. 8.