Bell, E (Ernest)

Bell, E (Ernest)
Ernest Bell is from Harrogate and was the son of J. Bell, Motor proprietor, Swan road, Harrogate. He enlisted in London in the 615th Mechanical Transport Company. He served in France, entering the war zones on the 22nd of April 1915. Ernest was an acting Serjeant at the time of his death in charge of transport wagons. He also previously worked as a dispatch rider for the army.
At some stage, Ernest was invalided home by the army due to illness.
When back in England he decided that he would travel to Ireland and stay with friends. A few days before his death a telegram arrived at his parents stating that Ernest was seriously ill. They immediately left to go to his side, but unfortunately missed the boat. By the time they got to Ireland it was too late and he had already taken his last breath.
Before he died, Ernest was in Ebrington Barracks, Londonderry before moving to and then passing away in the Foyle Hill Infectious Disease Hospital in the outer limits of the city of a cerebral spinal fluid leak[1] after 3 days of suffering. His last 24 hours were in a coma before he had a heart attack and took his last breath.
Ernest received a full military funeral.
This soldiers service number, that is recorded with the burial is recorded slightly wrong. It is M2/045917 rather than M2/048917.
Ernest Bell was awarded the 1914/15 Star, the British War and Victory Medals.
Date of Death: 04/05/1916
Service: Private, acting Serjeant, Army Service Corps, 615th M.T. Coy.
Service Number: M2/048917 (Number wrong, he served under M2/045917)
Burial Location: Londonderry (or Derry), City Cemetery, GA. Mil. 16.
[1] Cerebrospinal fluid is clear, colourless body fluid found in the brain and spine.