Diamond, P (Patrick)

Diamond, P (Patrick)


Private Patrick Diamond was the son of Cassie Diamond who lived at 54 St. Columb’s Well, Londonderry.

Patrick joined the 6th Battalion of the Royal Irish Regiment on the 26th of January 1915. He was formerly in the Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers before the war, details presently unknown.

Nine months later, during the 27th of September 1915 Patrick was admitted to Derry Military Hospital suffering from alcoholism. He died from the effects of pneumonia a few days later.

On the 4th of October, Patrick was laid to rest with full military honours.

He never served outside Ireland, so was awarded no medals. No further information at present.

Date of Death: 01/10/1915 (Aged 32)

Service: Private, Royal Irish Regiment, 6th Battalion.

Service Number: 3040

Burial Location: Londonderry (or Derry), City Cemetery, L. A. 41

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