Remembrance Day 2021 website Launch

No photo at present

No photo at present


Quick Introduction

Londonderry’s War was Launched on the 11th of November 2021 at 11:11 in honour of all the men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice during two world wars from the city and county.

This will be a progressive website that hopefully will become the first stop for all those interested in the city and county of Londonderry’s (Derry’s) Wars.


Is the site complete?

No, it will never be.

Is there more content?

Yes, there is still hundreds of pages of written content to be uploaded.

Why is there burial grounds missing?

They are not missing, they just have not been uploaded yet.

Will there be a forum?

Plans are to add a forum at a later date.

Can I post feedback?

Yes anyone can, but common sense rules apply.

Can I contact you?

If you wish to contact me feel free to use the contact form below or email me at

Any comments that debate the name of the city or county will be deleted and user blocked.

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